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Sugar Breeze - 9" x 12"
Sugar Breeze - 9" x 12"

Sugar Breeze - 9" x 12"

Regular price $750.00 Sale

Framed - Acrylic painting on deckle edged fine art paper.

13" x 17" with frame. - artwork 9" x 12"

I am Sugar Breeze, a soft yet vibrant swirl of pastel dreams and airy charm. With a whisper of sky blues, refreshing greens, and playful pinks, I float between sweet serenity and lively energy. My gentle strokes and whimsical hues bring a feeling of lightness, like a warm breeze on a sunny day. I am delicate yet full of life, a perfect balance of softness and sparkle, because a little sweetness and a touch of magic make everything better.

Original Art By Windy O'Connor - Signed 1 of 1 

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