That Girl Glows 36" x 36"
That Girl Glows 36" x 36"

That Girl Glows 36" x 36"

Regular price $4,300.00 Sale

""'That Girl Glows" is a 36" x 36" Original Painting with acrylic on a 1.5" deep canvas.

"That Girl Glows" is all about vibrant energy and radiant vibes! This 36 x 36 acrylic on canvas features a chica brought to life with blues, greens, and turquoise, giving her a cool, glowing presence. She shines bright like a diamond when she walks in the room. She manifests goodness and gives positive energy to everyone she greets. She is a magnet of goodness and that ride or die friend. She is “That Girl Glows” Chica. 


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