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Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric
Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric

Cherry Blossoms Mural - Fabric

Regular price $5.00 Sale

Cherry Blossoms Mural is a unique fabric in that you get our full-length mural print, with no repeat. Fabric sizing is scalable to fit the space so please reach out to info@windyoconnor.org upon ordering.

Quantity can be adjusted once added to cart. Swatches are available in all fabrics but must be custom ordered if that particular fabric is not stocked.

Lead time may be extended based on specific orders.

If you are trying to color match a sample, you must order a strike off of your design on the desired fabric. Windy O'Connor Art and Home is not responsible for variances in digital printing on different fabrics and will not issue refunds if a strike off was not ordered to match. 

Estimated lead time 4–6 weeks depending on stock.

All patterns are custom designed and are the property of Windy O'Connor and cannot be replicated or reproduced without her express permission.

Wholesale pricing also available.

Due to all fabric being custom made to order, there are No Returns.

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