Birds of a Feather Lime - Large Silk Scarf
Birds of a Feather Lime - Large Silk Scarf
Birds of a Feather Lime - Large Silk Scarf

Birds of a Feather Lime - Large Silk Scarf

Regular price $85.00 $85.00 Sale

Wrap yourself in luxury with a Birds of a Feather Lime silk scarf by Windy O'Connor. Featuring the vibrant colors of Windy's original Bird of a Feather Lime art design, this 35" x 35" scarf is crafted from 100% lightweight, 5 mm silk. Whether worn around your neck, as a headscarf, or tied to a handbag, it adds an elegant pop of color and creativity to any outfit.

  • Size: 35" x 35" 
  • Luxury gift box 
  • 100% Silk 
  • Original Design 

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