Soulful Chica - Print
Soulful Chica - Print

Soulful Chica - Print

Regular price $0.00 $350.00 Sale

She walks with a smile on her face yet she feels this unrest are her core. When she enters a room the energy of every person there washes over her. She cries so easily at commercials that touch her heart. She aches when she sees the homeless camp on the side of the road or a dog that seems to be aimlessly traveling. She longs for peace and understanding.

Soulful Chica is 18"w x 24" Hand printed on your choice of matte or pearlized Grasscloth paper. Each print is authenticated by Windy O'Connor.

And remember, a great thing about our Grasscloth prints is that because of the texture of the material and the high quality inks used to create this print, you have the option of framing her with or without glass.


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