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“The Beauty of Us All Collection”
“The Beauty of Us All Collection”

“The Beauty of Us All Collection”

Regular price $0.00 $120.00 Sale

This print is modeled from the original art Windy O’Connor created for the "Local/Street" art exhibit at the Mint Museum - Randolph, in Charlotte, NC (Spring 2021). Featuring art from more than 40 local artists, Windy felt inspired by and drawn to the many different mediums with which her fellow artists worked. Building on the series of multi-faced Chicas she started for the 2021 Southern C Summit, Windy channeled the energy around the "Local/Street" exhibit in to her new pieces.

Windy's message in creating this series is simple: 
To all of the dreamers, creatives, makers, and shakers, BE YOU!

Do not allow anyone to define who you are, what you do, or who you should be! You were perfectly designed and created. Go shine bright like the diamond you are meant to be! We need more sparkles in the world.

Each print is signed by Windy O’Connor before it is shipped to its new home. 

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