Mardi Gras Chica - mini 8" x 8" grasscloth print

Mardi Gras Chica - mini 8" x 8" grasscloth print

Regular price $75.00 Sale

Mardi Gras Chica 

I am Mardi Gras Chica, a queen of celebration! I bring the energy of New Orleans where joy, art, and a little bit of mischief collide. I am a statement, a celebration, a moment frozen in time. Take me home, and let’s bring the party to your space!

Available as a premium grasscloth print, this vibrant artwork captures every detail of the original painting. Choose to display it unframed or in a sleek white frame, designed to complement any space. 

  • 8" x 8"
  • Grasscloth Paper 
  • White Frame or No Frame 

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