Love is Love  - Mini 8" x 10" Print
Love is Love  - Mini 8" x 10" Print

Love is Love - Mini 8" x 10" Print

Regular price $100.00 $100.00 Sale

There has not been another year in my lifetime that made it more clear that we need to rely on love. We must lean into love. We must seek love and we must give love with abandon. It is who we are at our core. Seeing the violence and division in our world has hopefully made us all look at hearts and reevaluate who we are and how we care for each other. This is an expression of a prayer for unity, empathy and compassion.

Size - 8" x 10" 

Material - Textured Cold Press Fine Art Paper with 0.5" Border 

All Prints are hand signed by Windy O'Connor 

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