Resolute Chica
Resolute Chica

Resolute Chica

Regular price $100.00 $100.00 Sale

I painted "Resolute" to capture the poignant emotions that come with a life marked by challenges and hardships. Her expression reflects the weight of her experiences, conveying a sense of melancholy yet undeniable strength. The words "love cures all" are inscribed in a slightly awkward manner, representing the imperfect but enduring power of love to heal wounds and mend the scars of life's trials. "Resolute" is a tribute to the human spirit's ability to endure, persevere, and find hope even in the face of adversity. Through the woman's gaze, I wanted to convey the depth of her resilience and the reminder that love's transformative touch can bring solace and restoration to even the most weathered hearts.

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