San Francisco 1989 - 18" x 24"

San Francisco 1989 - 18" x 24"

Regular price $1,600.00 Sale

San Francisco 1989 - 18" x 24" - Acrylic on Paper - Framed

This piece feels like a snapshot of pure energy, a moment in time I wanted to capture, a little chaotic, a lot of joy. I was inspired by the creative pulse of San Francisco at the end of the '80s, a time when color, freedom, and expression were everything. It’s a little street art, a little pop, and a lot of me just letting go and having fun.

For me, this piece feels like a visual diary, fragmented yet connected, like memories layered over each other. It’s nostalgic, filled with movement and wonder, and maybe just a hint of that late '80s magic we all need a little more of.

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